What is labor discrimination?

The legal definition of labor discrimination is that distinction, exclusion or act of preference for reasons of race, origin, religion, sex, color, politics or sexual preference that an individual has and for which the equality of opportunity or I deal in a job or in the selection or recruitment process for a new job.

Actions considered as labor discrimination:

Deny hiring.
Deny training
Do not promote (ascend).
Pay less or degrade.
To bully.

What to do in case of discrimination at work?

If you feel that you are being discriminated against and for this reason your physical or emotional state is affected and you don’t work well, you have the right to defend yourself!

Follow these steps:

1-Let your employer, boss or employer know that they are discriminating against you or harassing you. Tell him you’re taking the matter seriously. Request that a written report be made each time you report an incident of discrimination or harassment. It requests that an investigation of the facts be carried out and that disciplinary or corrective action be taken against the harassing persons.
2-Keep a diary of any incident of discrimination or harassment. Record the date, approximate time, location, parties involved, witnesses and details of the wrong behavior or speech.
3-Save all objects or images that serve to verify discriminatory or harassing situations.
4-Review the anti-discrimination policy of your company. If you have a copy of the policy in a manual or other booklet, keep a copy.

5-Contact a law firm or a trusted lawyer so you can review your case and file a lawsuit to defend your rights and claim your compensation.